Heya and welcome back to Five Things Running!
So my plan for Christmas was to recover from my fall on Sunday, which left my right knee nicely bruised, and then run every day of the week starting on the 25th. Well, I didn’t run at all. I put on my running gear on Thursday and then walked the dog and still had pain in my knee and decided that running is probably not the best idea. So I focused on carb loading instead last week and I did this exceptionally well. My glycogene stores are full. Now I just need my knee to get back in order and I could run for hours straight. And I should, after all the eating over Christmas…
COROS thankfully just reminded me that my year in running was pretty awesome.
It’s amazing how a little consistency can really help with getting the mileage done (why isn’t it called kilometerage?) without getting injured from overtraining. This year, I focused on getting injured from falling on the trails. I’m actually pretty proud of my running achievements this year and I hope to run as much next year as well, hopefully with less falling involved.
Anyhow, here’s this week’s Five Things Running!
Twelve Days of Commerce: #8 On Running
It’s fascinating to see how On Running is growing its business. I still haven’t tried out any of their shoes as I usually shy away from brands that older and unfitter people wear as some sort of weird fashion statement. I do like the looks of their apparel and the latest trail shoe release sounds promising.
Why run?
Oh yes.
What the “No Days Off” Approach Gets Wrong
Last year I started a running streak on January 1st that lasted for 77 days. It was fun while it lasted and it was also pretty exhausting. But: it really got me into a daily habit of running. It was then a bit tough to figure out that rest days are really important, too.
When It’s Time to Replace Your Running Shoes
I currently have two pairs of shoes that I ran in for about 500km and that I should probably retire because they feel somewhat flat. It’s just that I like them so much that I can’t toss them, yet. How do you decide when to replace a pair of shoes?
The Speed Project Is Defining the Future of Running, Right Now
The Speed Project is one of the coolest ideas ever, an unsanctioned race from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. And funny thing: the mastermind behind this is a former colleague of a former colleague of mine. The world can be so small, sometimes.
I’m grateful for the partners of Five Things Running: Acid Running, New Balance and Coros!
If you missed last week’s edition, you can read it here:
Now, go running!
— Nico
Haha about On. Coming from Europe, it is SO confusing how they're positioned as a high quality COOL brand in the USA. They're casual shoes that uncool dads pair with supermarket jeans!