Heya and welcome back to Five Things Running!
It’s getting cold outside here in Northern Germany and I think I need to get new tights soon, as running in shorts won’t be a sensible solution for much longer. When I recently bumped into a friend who was walking her dog and was properly layered up with a warm coat and a scarf, she remarked that running in shorts would be good for my bloodflow. Anyhow, fall is here and the temperatures are dropping. I kind of like it. While I didn’t get too many runs in last week, I ran intervalls for the first time in a long time and Strava immediately gave me some fitness points for that. So maybe I’ll keep on doing that and put some intervalls into my weekly running.
I didn’t get to run all weekend and that made me really grumpy. I was long forward to at least one longrun and then I didn’t get around to more than just walking the dog. I really need these longruns, both mentally and physically. Especially after that last week. Hopefully next weekend will be better.
(and don’t forget to go paid, I need more running outfits, winter is coming.)
What I Learned From Destroying Myself at the NYC Marathon
The first marathon is always something special and running with more than 55,000 people through New York City must be really exciting, especially just a few days before the US elections.
Run Clubs Are Booming. But as Their Central Role Changes, Can Brands Still Capitalize?
The running boom continues to change the running industry. As casual runners are behind the growth of run clubs, the brands need different approaches to work with the run clubs and reach the runners. It’s not just about performance anymore.
Researchers Weigh in on the Physical and Mental Effects of Backyard Ultras
Would you participate in a backyard ultra and run until you drop? This doesn’t seem appealing to me. But the science behind it quite fascinating.
Running Into The Unknown
“Running also matters in such troubled times because it creates space for freedom and togetherness. No matter who you are or where you come from, when you're running, labels and expectations fall away. Running makes us all equals in effort, courage, and determination. It reminds us that, despite the divisions and barriers in society, we all have lungs that burn, muscles that ache, and minds that battle doubt.
This shared experience of struggle – and victory – has the power to bring people together across divides. It's a reminder that unity is not a lofty idea, but a tangible, physical reality that everyone can feel.”
When Running 250 Miles Is the Easy Part
“Having a child with autism is kind of like running a 250-mile race” - what a fantastic story about parenting and running! I love how involved the mother got and how that changed her life as well as her sons.
I’m thankful for the partners of Five Things Running: Acid Running and New Balance!
If you missed last week’s edition, you can read it here:
Now, go running!
— Nico