Heya and welcome back to Five Things Running!

Okay, I have done only one run last week. There’s some weird back pain that keeps annyoing me, but that didn’t get any worse during the run on Thursday, so I thought I’d be fine, but then some weird cold or dizzyness or exhaustion or what not kicked in, so I didn’t get to run on the other days of the week, either. I managed to put on my running gear, walk the dog and then coming home not feeling like I should be running. This is really something that bugs me.
Being in this grumpy mood, I decided to watch some live coverage of the Javelina Jundred 100 miles race in Arizona. The livestream felt like something we put together in the late 90s, all grainy, bad sound, no atmosphere, nothing. I’m really sympathetic to these events trying their best to reach an audience, but this was so boring. I mean, it was probably a really fun event for all the crews hanging out in the blistering sun and it was probably also something to remember for the runners, but I don’t think I want to be able to spend 12 hours and 45 minutes in front of Youtube watching somebody run through a desert. But I tried.
My plan for the next week: to run much more than last week! Then I’ll also be less grumpy.
Enjoy these five articles about running!
(and don’t forget to go paid, I need more running outfits, winter is coming.)
What women think about when they think about running
As long as running is still not safe for every woman, we need to discuss how women feel when they are running and what we need to do to really improve the situation.
Not a Fan of Intense Track Workouts? Try Microdosing Speed to Get Faster
Microdosing sounds like fun. I really need to incorporate more speed elements into my runs, so this seems to be doable for somebody like me who doesn’t run according to a training plan, or any plan for that matter.
Rest Days Are Good. Active Recovery Days Can Be Better.
Since I have to walk my dog every day, I’ve unknowingly done active recovery ever since. Honestly, I think just doing nothing is wonderful as well.
Signs of Aging as a Runner
There are some moments in my life when I realize that my body is already 52 years old and sometimes that shows. And then I am grateful to read what other runners are doing and their way of slowing down encourages me to do some more, because I am not that old at all.
Are Running Shoes Too Cheap?
What a great click-baity headline! I do find it interesting to think about what runners would pay for a pair of shoes to get faster. There is so much stuff we spend money on, because it will make us just a tiny bit faster, yet at the end it is still just running.
If you missed last week’s edition, you can read it here:
Now, go running!
— Nico
I was just thinking about $300 running shoes. Not about buying them, just about their existence. Thanks for the link, Nico!