Share this postFive ThingsValues, Bots, Chinese VC, Sports Terms, Finnish Nightmares - Five Things - Issue #286Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreValues, Bots, Chinese VC, Sports Terms, Finnish Nightmares - Five Things - Issue #286Nico LummaAug 10, 2018Share this postFive ThingsValues, Bots, Chinese VC, Sports Terms, Finnish Nightmares - Five Things - Issue #286Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareThe platform won’t ban the dangerous liar Alex Jones because he “hasn’t violated our rules.” Then what’s the point of these rules?Even with logical parameters, AI programs can develop shortcuts and workarounds that humans didn’t think to deem off-limits.In a great push to access intellectual property and drive growth in key tech sectors, China’s venture capital scene is booming.Good to know.Millennials in China are embracing a Finnish cartoon that's all about life as a shy, anxious introvert.nullPreviousNext