Share this postFive ThingsTrump, Facebook, China, Cities, Stormtroopers - Five Things - Issue #427Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreTrump, Facebook, China, Cities, Stormtroopers - Five Things - Issue #427Nico LummaDec 29, 2018Share this postFive ThingsTrump, Facebook, China, Cities, Stormtroopers - Five Things - Issue #427Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareThe neverending war.Facebook may or may not have lost its handle on our data. But it has definitely lost the benefit of the doubt.As U.S. leaders chart a new course with China, is it crucial that they understand that time is on their side.Or Portland, Denver, Boston, Dallas, Houston or Los Angeles.Stormtroopers are both evil and incompetent, so why are they so eternally popular? Speaking to 'Star Wars' costume designers and experts, we found out.nullPreviousNext