Share this postFive ThingsTransatlantic Community, Hannah Arendt, SIM Hijackers, No Deal Brexit, Smart Condom - Five Things - Issue #264Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreTransatlantic Community, Hannah Arendt, SIM Hijackers, No Deal Brexit, Smart Condom - Five Things - Issue #264Nico LummaJul 19, 2018Share this postFive ThingsTransatlantic Community, Hannah Arendt, SIM Hijackers, No Deal Brexit, Smart Condom - Five Things - Issue #264Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareAs a member of the Atlantik-Brücke I strongly support the strengthening of transatlantic relations. Especially now.People should read this and make sure it won't happen again.Meet the hackers who flip seized Instagram handles and cryptocurrency in a shady, buzzing underground market for stolen accounts and usernames. Their victim’s weakness? Phone numbers.What will Britain look like next March if we don’t agree a Brexit deal? The silence is terrifyingly deafening. It's basically a Fitbit for your man bits that tracks thrust speed and velocity. But don't be too hard on yourself.nullPreviousNext