Share this postFive ThingsInequality, AI, Orson Welles, Media Consumption, Fasting - Five Things - Issue #370Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreInequality, AI, Orson Welles, Media Consumption, Fasting - Five Things - Issue #370Nico LummaNov 02, 2018Share this postFive ThingsInequality, AI, Orson Welles, Media Consumption, Fasting - Five Things - Issue #370Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareScientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.The US may be leading the discoveries in AI—but Chinese entrepreneurs are better at implementing them.Many people believed his famous “War of the Worlds” broadcast — but many didn’t. The difference offers a valuable lesson today.There's hope.Well, I won't try anytime soon, but still very interesting to read...nullPreviousNext