Five Things Tech: Quantum, Living Celluar Computers, New Startup Era, Twitter, WIFI on Planes
It's another Saturday full of Tech! Read on, my dear!
Hello and welcome back to Five Things Tech!
Isn’t it just great to start a Saturday Morning by reading about tech stuff? I think so, too!
So, let’s get started! Let’s have a look at IBM and all their efforts in building a Quantum supercomputer, then we will look at the concept of living celluar computers, read a long argument about an impending change in the way tech startups will be created in the future. Then we will once again deal with what’s going on at the place formally known as Twitter and finally we’ll learn everything about WIFI on planes.
Grab a coffee and then start reading! ☕️
IBM’s Quantum-Centric Supercomputing Vision Is Coming
Quantum reminds me a bit of mobile in the 90s and early 00s: everybody talked about the possibilities, but somehow it took more than just a while until it finally happened. Let’s see how this evolves, and how quickly.
Living Cellular Computers: A New Frontier in AI and Computation Beyond Silicon
“Living cellular computers are setting the stage for a new era in computation, employing the natural abilities of biological cells to tackle tasks that silicon-based systems handle today. By using DNA as the basis for programming and proteins as the functional components, these systems promise remarkable benefits in terms of parallel processing, energy efficiency, and adaptability.” - this sounds just crazy, doesn’t it?
The dawn of a new startup era
“As we’re converging to a new balance, new breeds of startups are supplanting the currently dominant species, and are all focusing on a bet that currently has low consensus: being willing to take on a lot more tech risk. The new startup era we’re walking towards will be heavier on technology than the one we’re leaving behind. We’re going to see longer incubation periods, and likely higher capital intensity to fund ultra-specialized research that won’t be easily commoditized just yet. Investors will necessarily need to be comfortable with tech slides more than market ones, and to do more scientific due diligence than growth one.” - this is an interesting article with a strong argument, but I actually think that we will have lots of bootstrapped startups that find their niche and product-market fit without excessive amounts of cash.
Racism, misogyny, lies: how did X become so full of hatred? And is it ethical to keep using it?
I’m still terribly annoyed that this lunatic turned Twitter into a digital hellhole.
We Tested Wi-Fi on Over 50 Flights. It Often Stinks, but It’s About to Get Better.
Honestly, I’d be happy if Deutsche Bahn gets fast and reliable WIFI on their trains first, but good WIFI on planes is also something I have wanted for a long time.
That’s all for now! Thanks for reading! If you missed last week’s Five Things Tech, you can find it here:
— Nico