Five Things Tech: Obligation, EV, PLF, Driverless Cars, #Desperate
Here are five must-read articles just for you!
Hello again, it’s time for Five Things Tech!
This week we won’t talk about Elon Musk who tried to show off the future of autonomous cars by presenting something that bored everyone and has been seen before plenty of times. Instead, we will talk about how tech changes from being the fun and shiny new to being the thing we have to use daily. We also talk about how bi-directional charging let’s EV play a vital role in desaster areas, how Agtech changes farming, especially for livestock, how we still have doubts before getting into a driverless car and why people now use the #desperate hashtag to look for jobs on LinkedIn.
So, there’s lots of stuff to read on this beautiful Saturday!
Quick reminder: your reading pleasure is so much better after you go paid. So don’t hesitate!
The Arc of Technology: From Fun Option to Obligation
“Technology always follows a pattern: it starts as a fun, optional upgrade that gives you an edge. You feel more free, doing things others can’t. But then mass adoption happens, and society shifts. What was once optional becomes mandatory. The magic fades, and all that's left is obligation.” - this is a really good piece about technology and us.
Hurricane Helene Just Made the Case for Electric Trucks
Bi-directional charging is changing the way we think about EV and the electric grid. EV are now replacing generators in desaster areas, which is really cool.
The Next Revolution in Animal Agriculture
Precision Lifestock Farming (PLF) will change the way farming will be done in the future. There are still some obstacles to overcame, but as the hardware and sensors are getting more readily available, Agtech will have a huge impact on farming.
Waymo is expanding, but driverless cars still weird people out
I’ve never sat in a driverless car and quite frankly I am not too eager to do so soon. It’s not that I don’t trust the technology, but I think it would be weird to sit in a car all by myself and not being in control.
They’re Desperate for Work—and Being Brutally Open About It
The layoffs in Tech are still hitting hard, it’s so hard to continue on a career path if companies are not willing to hire. What a strange time it is right now.
That’s all for now! Thanks for reading! If you missed last week’s Five Things Tech, you can find it here:
— Nico