Five Things: SOTU, Deepfakes, American Jews, Hollywood, Joe Biden
It's Sunday. Grab a coffee and read this.
Well, good morning! I hope you had a great week so far!
This Sunday you can read about the State of the Union Address, the threat that deepfakes pose for our democracies, the rising antisemitism in the USA, how AI will change Hollywood and the decision making process of Joe Biden.
Again, the only reason I picked these articles is that I find them worth reading. ✌🏻
So Much for “Sleepy Joe”: On Biden’s Rowdy, Shouty State of the Union
This State of the Union Address was really something different. American politics sure is entertaining and this time Biden delivered. First polls indicated that he bet on the right strategy and now we just have to hope this will carry him to November to beat his predecessor.
Deepfakes Will Break Democracy
Tech regulation is notoriously slow, but it has to get faster to save our democracies. While everybody is looking to the US, there are many more elections taking place where campaigns will be influenced by forces who want to destroy democracy as we know it.
The Golden Age of American Jews Is Ending
Antisemitism from the right and the left is changing American life as we know it. I visited a synagogue for this first time in Berkeley, when I studied there in 95/96 and the experience on campus then was a lot different compared to what jews in Berkeley and in many other college towns are now experiencing. It saddens and angers me deeply that antisemitism is on the rise again in Western liberal democracies.
How AI Could Disrupt Hollywood
I think it was 2016 when I invested in an AI video startup which was focused on analytics at that time. The founder kept telling me how he wanted to build a engine that could create videos from text. That seemed totally farfetched just a few years ago. And now all the GenerativeAI tools out there will have tremendous impact on Hollywood. Oh, the company I invested in ran out of cash before it could realize its potential, it was too early.
That one last phone call Joe Biden always needs to make
The President has to make lots of tough decisions and he has developed an interesting feedback system that shows that he really is the adult in the room.
That’s it. Have a great Sunday!
— Nico