Five Things Running: Issue #4
Skip the morning run and read this mail first thing in the morning! ✌🏻
Sunday is my longrun day and somehow my family stopped complaining that I’m missing the family breakfast on Sunday all the time now. They seem to be happy with me getting fresh rolls from the bakery before I go running. Anyhow, today I listened to podcasts again during my run and it really amazes me how I turned from “I need to run without any distraction and just focus on me daydreaming” to “oh wow, 3 hours, what can listen to now?” in just a few weeks. Both approaches have their merits. Maybe I feel really adventurous real soon and try an audiobook, something I really never do at all.
I can really recommend the Freetrail Podcast with Dylan Bowman - very interesting conversations about running, hosted by one of the top trailrunners out there.
I’m also pretty amazed that I managed to slowly increase my running efforts each week this year, which is something I’m really not good at coming back from an injury. Last week New Balance sent me a pair of their New Balance Fresh Foam X More v4 and after running in these shoes for 50km I’m truly amazed. Great foam, good bounce, all around good feeling - thanks, New Balance!
Life Isn’t Fair. He Didn’t Want This Race to Be, Either.
We probably all have watched the Netflix documentary on the Barkley Marathons. This piece in the New York Times shows who Lazarus Lake really is and what motivated him creating this extreme running event. It’s a really good read!
Slow and Steady Wins the Training Game
The continuity the author describes is pretty impressive - I wish I had stuck to the running regime my highschool track & field coach had in mind for us back then. There was plenty of running involved, but I just wanted to run 1500m at that time, not caring about building up mileage at all. Also, probably not paying attention to what the coach said.
Stretching the Point
Stretching is probably really good for you, even though for a long time there was a strong argument against it. I have basically stuck with my very basic set of stretches that I learned when I was still at school. I could do more and better, at least this is what the article says, and my orthopedist.
Trail and ultrarunners run mostly for mental benefits, study finds
It probably has to do with being out there in nature for a long time, that just has to be good for the mental well-being. What about runners in big cities, are they doing it for the added excitement of running through traffic and trying not to get hit by a car?
What Kind of Protein Should Runners Be Eating?
This is a good run-down of the optimal nutrition for runners with a focus on proteins. I’m probably doing something like 80/20 here, trying to stay away from processed foods as much as possible.
That’s all for now! I hope you liked this edition of Five Things Running! If you have article suggestions, please send them to me:
Oh, and btw, you can follow me on Strava: