Five Things Running: Issue #21
Drop everything and read these five articles about running now.
Thanks for reading Five Things Running - my name is Nico and I’m a runner. I also happen to read a lot of stuff about running which I do to compensate for not running.
Last week Nike released the much anticipated Nike Ultrafly and many runners, myself included, would really like to run in this shoe, but have problems justifying spending 250€ on a pair of running shoes that are designed for racing. Or are they? Amby Burfoot, one of my favorite author on all things running, had a look at the supershoes and came up with the conclusion that runners will not only race faster in them, but also train better and recover better. So if you probably won’t win any races any time soon and needed some arguments to convince yourself to get the new Nike Ultrafly, or the Hoka Tecton X2 or the New Balance FuelCell SuperComp Trainer v2, or any of all the other supershoes out there, look for the improved training and recovery.
On a more personal note: I went running last week four times in a row and did a quick 6km run to overcome my summer lazyness. Next week will be better and I want to include longer runs again. Longer runs also probably do justify the purchase of a super shoe…
The Real Power of Super Shoes Could Be Supercharged Training
I assume that carbon plates will not be something special anymore in a few years. We will wonder why we ever where so barbaric to try to run without them.
An Inside Look at Karsten Warholm’s Revolutionary Training
It continues to amaze me how much worldclass atheletes train and how can they keep up the levels of intensity for such a long time. This is a really interesting breakdown of the training schedule of Karsten Warholm from Norway, the world record holder in 400m Hurdles.
Here’s What Strava Data Says About Your New Years Resolution
Do you run because of a New Year’s resolution? If yo, how is it working out so far? I usually run more in the colder months, so I’m still ahead of schedule, even though I was injured for a few weeks.
What’s the Deal With Electrolytes, Anyway?
Electrolytes. This is what everybody talks about these days. The article gives a good overview why plain water just might not be enough for everybody, especially in the summer months. As a German I’m obviously predisposed to drinking beer after excercise, which is supposedly really good to get some electrolytes in. I like drinking alcohol-free Weizen with lemon or grapefruit flavor - that’s really refreshing and since I don’t really like Weizen, I don’t mind drinking Weizen without alcohol and with weird fruit flavor.
Running in Humidity and Heat Is Tough. Here’s How to Make it Easier.
Here in Hamburg we have no heat whatsoever right now, just wind and rain. But since the rest of the Northern hemisphere is experiencing a heatwave, read this article before you go out for your run at noon.
That’s all for now! I hope your Sunday runs were longer than mine!