Thanks for reading Five Things Running - my name is Nico and I’m a runner. I also happen to read a lot of stuff about running which I do to compensate for not running.
I’m slowly getting back into my running mode after too many weeks of struggling with my back pain. School’s out for the summer and that means I can go running early in the morning instead of dragging the younger kids to school. So hopefully I can get my weekly mileage up again and then enter a race in the fall. I wanted to run a local 50k trail, but unfortunately the Rosengarten Ultra Heide Marathon (RUHM) only allows 100 participants as the course is in a nature reserve park and I waited too long until I finally thought I could get in shape in time for the race. For now I want to try some longer runs on the weekends as my own little adventures. I still have to build up trust in my body again, which is the part I hate the most after having an injury.
I picked five really interesting articles for you today, so please read on, my dear!
2023 Hardrock 100 Results: Dauwalter Nails Double and French Dominate
Just three weeks after winning Western States 100 with a course record, Courtney Dauwalter wins Hardrock 100 and finishes third overall. This is so freaking impressive!
How Ultrarunners Can Keep Crushing In Their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s – And Beyond
Run till Death really seems to be a good idea and it is so encouraging to read how other people adjust to the limitations aging brings along. I’m fine as long as I’m still faster than my best buddy.
The Ultramarathoner Racing Against the Course, and Himself
“Instead of hitting myself and telling myself how worthless I am, I congratulated myself on what I was able to accomplish,” he said. “I realized I did not have anything to prove at Barkley. I had no more demons to slay and I was happy to finish early and spend time with my wife.” - I cannot begin to fathom how hard this must be for him and his wife.
10 Rules for Altitude Training
As I run at sea level, my typical elevation gain on any given run is 20m and that only happens because I cross a bunch of bridges. I only ran at real altitude once in the Rocky Mountains, I cannot really say anything about altitude training, but it is an interesting concept that many in sports believe in.
Need a break from running in the heat? Try aqua jogging.
This is on my bucket list, but every time I want to go to the pool, my kids want to come along and then I convienently forget about aqua jogging and toss my kids into the water instead. Also, can I choose Aqua Jogging in Strava? If not, what’s the point?
That’s all for now! I hope your Sunday runs were longer than mine!
Run till Ruhestand ❤️
More good stuff, Nico. I wonder when Courtney Dauwalter will return my emails :D I'd LOVE to profile her. One day, one day.