Thanks for reading Five Things Running - my name is Nico and I’m a runner. I also happen to read a lot of stuff about running which I do to compensate for not running.
On Sunday I ran without any pain for the first time in months. How did I do this? Easy. I finally got an MRI, which showed a disc prolapse and then I got periradicular therapy (PRT) this Friday. On Saturday, the pain was gone. Amazing. I ran 12km this morning and felt awesome. I could lift both legs, which is really great when you want to go running… I felt so amazing, I even went swimming today. Also, I read all about the benefits of swimming for runners a few days ago. What’s not so amazing: I have to do the procedure again this Friday and I have to wear this orthosis that reminds me of all the slim tummy belt commercials I got to watch in the 80s. Anyhow, I’m all jazzed up about being able to run without pain again, I wanted to sign up for an ultra race just south of Hamburg right away and then figured out that the race is already full. Maybe it’s a sign to take it a bit easier for now…
Read on, my dear!
Running Pain: Phantom or For Real?
Well, I have my own history of running through pain, but this is a really good primer on how to deal with pain and running. I probably should read it thouroughly a bit more often.
How Hard Should I Train the Day Before a Big Workout?
This might sound counterintuitive, but the coach has a point. Don’t go easy, run moderately. Its training, not the race.
The Benefits of Swimming For Runners
Ok, I get it. Swimming is good. And as a runner I should do more swimming. It’s just not my thing. But the benefits for runners are really compelling.
Are women ‘made’ for ultrarunning? Camille Herron seems to think so
There is something to it, but I assume we’ll figure this out when the gender gap in ultrarunning has been closed. Already, women are performing as well as men. This will be an interesting development, especially when looking at the longer distances.
How Tracksmith Put the Prep Back Into Running
The best running outfit I ever wore was the track & field outfit at Theodore Roosevelt High School in Des Moines, Iowa in 1989. It was navy blue and I looked really fast in it. Tracksmith makes running apparel that looks even better than this and every time I visit their online shop, I cannot decide what I want to buy, because it is all amazing. The few pieces I have are among my favorite stuff.
That’s all for now! I hope your Sunday runs were longer than mine!