Thanks for reading Five Things Running - my name is Nico and I’m a runner. I also happen to read a lot of stuff about running which I do to compensate for not running.
We’re back to weird fall weather after too many sunny and hot weeks in June. Did I mention I love running in the rain much more than running in the heat? I had a nice run on Sunday with some sun, lots of wind and then some rain. But the best run last week was when I went running at 5:30 in the morning for a 10k around the Alster, our inner-city lake, which is actually a river, but looks like a lake. Anyhow, I love running around the Alster in the early Summer mornings when it is already light outside, but very few people can be seen on the trail. It’s so amazing when the city slowly wakes up and the sun is already out and it is just beautiful to be in the middle of a big city. Here’s the run on Strava, including photos: Alsterrunde am Morgen.
Read on, my dear!
Altitude Meets Adrenaline: Running the Dolomites
This is very high on my bucketlist. I only drove by the Dolomites once and that was strikingly beautiful, even from a distance. Also, back in the 70s my favorite popisicle was called Dolomiti and that probably led to having very positive connotations with the mountain range.
Running Wild
It still amazes me when people run longer than a marathon. But running an ultramarathon like D3 (dawn to dusk to dawn) on a track lap for 24 hours seems to be a little extreme to me. Still, I’m in awe that people sign up for this and actually do run for 24 hours.
How to train for a half-marathon and keep your friends
“I only have the one thing that’s actually new with me — training for a half-marathon. I could talk about my family. I could talk about my job. I could talk about the new season of whatever Bravo show I’m watching. But the only things that escape my mouth are running-related, because lately the only things on my mind are running-related. This must be how new vegans or recent Ivy league graduates feel. Except training for a half-marathon is far more common than giving up animal products or attending one of the nation’s most revered universities.” - haha. I don’t know at all what she’s talking about.
Eat hills for breakfast: three ways to master the climb
The next real hill is 3 hours away for me, so I guess I have to make do with very small hils or just run up and down bridges…
There’s Nothing Quite Like Golden Hour at Western States
This is just beautiful.
That’s all for now! I hope your Sunday runs were longer than mine!
Golden Hour <3