Hi and welcome back to Five Things! If you don’t remember why you subscribed or just somehow got here: my name is Nico Lumma, I read a lot online and I like to share the five most interesting articles with you, my esteemed readers. If you haven’t subscribed yet or if you finally decided to go paid, here’s a handy button to do just that.
So this is a big week for Europe. On Sunday Europe went to the ballot box and voted for extreme parties that favor nationalism and want to take the European Union apart. And on Friday the Euro2024 started in Germany and Germany beat Scotland in the opening game 5:1. Repeat after me: “Deutschland ist eine Turniermannschaft.” - one of the things tv pundits have been talking about since the dawn of time: “Germany is a tournament team”. The slogan of the Euro24 is “United by Football.”, so hopefully this event will bring the continent closer together again and help people to get past the divisions and enjoy the summer tournament.
Aside from all this, I’m turning 52 on Wednesday. So, to celebrate this, for my birthday week there will be a smashing 52% discount on paid subscriptions! So, why wait? Celebrate with me! 🎉
Here are the five articles I picked out this week! Enjoy!
How to Convince Putin He Will Lose
I would seize all Russian assets that are currently frozen and use that money to invest in the military strength of Ukraine. I know about the legal discourse about this, but honestly, I couldn’t care less about that. We need to make sure that Russia knows that it will lose.
What a fool believes: Donald Trump and America's bogus respect for "faith"
“Precisely those people who rant about eternal values and verities have now lurched into nihilism, the diametric opposite of what they claim to espouse. This is nowhere more evident than in the fanatical devotion to Donald Trump expressed by nearly 80 percent of evangelical Christians. They have tossed overboard every tenet of decency, religious or secular, to embrace Trump’s hatred, because his burning torch of ill will, in their minds, is the royal road to the only thing they care about — power and domination.”
'We are creating new crops five-times faster'
While our climate is in crisis and weather gets more extreme every year, there’s hope that farmers can harvest new types of crops soon, thanks to Artificial Intelligence. I think that’s pretty amazing. We still need to do everything possible to fight climate change.
An Ode to Luby's & the Southern Cafeteria
“The cafeteria, the meat ’n’ three, Luby’s, all have stood the test of time. There is a certain comfort to this.” - I’ve never been to a cafeteria in the American South, but this sure sounds awesome.
Why have T-shirts gotten so heavy?
The T-Shirt is still the ultimate style icon. And all of a sudden, a German mill is manufacturing one of the new staple pieces.
That’s it. Have a great Sunday! If you missed last Sunday’s edition of Five Things, have a look here:
— Nico