Five Things: MBS, AfD, Axis, Pick ’n’ mix, Changing Culture
It's the first Sunday in May. Just in case you misplaced your calendar.
Hi and welcome back to Five Things! If you don’t remember why you subscribed or just somehow got here: my name is Nico Lumma, I read a lot online and I like to share the five most interesting articles with you, my esteemed readers. If you haven’t subscribed yet or if you finally decided to go paid, here’s a handy button to do just that.
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Many people who read my Sunday newsletter tell me that they like the articles that I picked, but that they really appreciate my little intro to the newsletter which some personal stuff and some opinion about what is going on in my little corner of the world.
Well. Thanks for this. Now I have the pressure to deliver something every Sunday instead of just writing what comes to my mind.
Anyhoo, I traveled to Munich on Sunday to attend the wonderful 48forward conference. I’m the proud chair of the 48forward advisory board and I love the way my friend Daniel curates a conference program with the aim to foster debate and to hear different sides of a story. Also, my Sunday dinner usually doesn’t include a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and it was a delight to listen to Dr. Shirin Ebadi’s remarks about democracy, human rights and Iran.
But honestly, the best part of being at 48forward was having some time to hang out with my oldest daughter, who came from Vienna to help a bit with some organizational stuff at the conference. Also, the sun came out in Munich and I desperately needed some summer sunshine.
After three days in Munich, I can honestly say that I am glad I don’t have to live there. I gained more than 2kg, ate too many pretzels, had amazing pork roast and dumplings, and also stopped my Dry January to have some wonderful Bavarian beers.
Israel and Saudi Arabia Are Trading Places
This is an interesting look at the developments in Israel and Saudi Arabia. It’s sad to see how Israel develops under Netanyahu and I hope that the war will be over soon, so that the voters in Israel can adjust the course of the country before it is too late.
The Alternative Against Germany How the AfD Became the Long Arm of Russia and China
Speaking of too late: the far-right so called Alternative for Germany is basically just trying to sell out German interests to Russia and China. So far, their voters don’t seem to care much, as long as the AfD is against everyone who doesn’t look white, or as they call it: Bio-German.
The Axis of Upheaval
“Too many Western observers have been quick to dismiss the implications of coordination among China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. The four countries have their differences, to be sure, and a history of distrust and contemporary fissures may limit how close their relationships will grow. Yet their shared aim of weakening the United States and its leadership role provides a strong adhesive. In places across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, the ambitions of axis members have already proved to be destabilizing.” - indeed. And we shouldn’t ignore this any longer.
The rise of playlist politics
“In a society based around a principle of endless consumer choices, it is incredibly hard to organise policies or be strategic about trade-offs. It also, ironically, raises issues around identity and tribalism.” - this article should be read by the strategists in political parties.
The Culture is Changing at Warp Speed
Buckle up,
takes you on a fast and wild ride! So much fun to read and think about all the clever tidbits he tosses at you.That’s it. Have a great Sunday! If you missed last Sunday’s edition of Five Things, have a look here:
— Nico