Five Things AI: New Models, Scaling Issues, New Chips, Risks, Nude Pics
A lot happened in AI this week, here you'll find five articles you should read to better understand what is happening in Artificial Intelligence right now.
Hello and welcome to Five Things AI!
Let’s jump right in with this week’s selection - five really interesting articles for you to read. The race is heating up again. New models, new chips, and more risks as well.
Also, if you are interested in chip design, I have a special treat for you.
For those looking for the nude pics - read the last article, please.
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AI race heats up as OpenAI, Google and Mistral release new models
It’s not really that things got boring around AI, but now we can be certain that it also won’t get boring anytime soon. We have to remember that everybody is still playing catchup to OpenAI and even if the competition releases something now, ChatGPT-5 will most certainly be a lot better than anything else.
Breaking news: Scaling will never get us to AGI
is raising some interesting points on GenerativeAI and the assumed path to Artificial General Intelligence - and sparked an interesting discussion in the comments that is worth reading.Tackling AI risks: Your reputation is at stake
“In a dynamic and changing environment, it’s about being open-minded and adaptive, paying close attention to the ways that technology choices shape human actions and social outcomes on both a micro and macro scale.” - this is easier said then done, but as businesses will need to move forward with AI, they have to re-evaluate their risk assesments constantly.
Intel Introduces Gaudi 3 AI Accelerator: Going Bigger and Aiming Higher In AI Market
NVIDIA was all over AI in the last 18 months and now just like in the LLM race, everybody else is playing catchup. Now we have Intel trying to get back into the game with a new AI chip called Gaudi. Pretty interesting stuff, but the real live benchmarks will be even more interesting.
This Camera Turns Every Photo Into a Nude
Is this amazing tech or is it just totally bizarre stuff that shows how bad things will get in the near future?