Five Things AI: Extinction-Level Threat, Figure, Regulation, Agents, Talent
So much AI everywhere. Here are the five articles to read this week.
I feel kind of weird writing this newsletter by hand every week. I could probably just let the machine do it. Every week I read all these articles and many more, and I basically do this for a very selfish reason: I want to understand more about AI. Also, I like sharing information with other people, so here you go: the five articles about AI you should read this week.
What I still is hard to grasp when dealing with AI is the big question: what can AI really do, what’s marketing and what is our imagination? While the discussions around Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are really interesting, we see at the same time that images get generated that make no sense, for instance the historically incorrect images of Wehrmacht soldiers that Google Gemini created. Then again, when you use Perplexity on a daily basis, you get to wonder how this will change the way we use the interwebs. There’s so much going on, it’s breathtaking. Or have a look at Devin, which is an AI based software engineer. I could go on an on with all these examples that show the potential and the limitations at the same time.
With out much further ado, let’s dig into the five articles you should read this week.
U.S. Must Move ‘Decisively’ to Avert ‘Extinction-Level’ Threat From AI, Government-Commissioned
Despite the pretty alarmist headline that reminds me of plots from James Bond movies, the article addresses some realistic concerns about AI in the wrong hands. There will be a huge debate on open source vs. closed models, as both have its benefits and its drawbacks. Obviously, a closed model is better to monitor, whereas an open model has more transparency, but could end up being used by organizations or nations that should not have this power.
AI Start-Up Figure Shows Off Conversational Robot Infused With OpenAI Tech
Is this amazing or frightening? I’m still not decided, but it shows big the impact of AI development is on robotics. Just imagine what will be possible just in a few years’ time.
Let’s not make the same mistakes with AI that we made with social media
Lawmakers took a long time to put any kind of regulation for social networks in place and we are still dealing with the consequences. AI is even harder to regulate, but it has to be done, and quickly so. The EU AI Act was just passed, which was a huge step into the right direction, far from being perfect. Maybe we should let the AI draft some regulation, what do you think?
Forget Chatbots. AI Agents Are the Future
While people still haven’t fully understood how bots work and why they are such gamechanger, the next big thing is already there: AI Agents. Read this to learn more about Devin, for instance.
Keywords tried to make a game using GenAI but said the tech was 'unable to replace talent'
Unfortunately we cannot play the game and see for ourselves how good or bad it is, but the news is still a bit comforting for people in the creative industries. For now, that is.
That’s it for this week in Five Things AI - I hope you enjoyed it and it maybe even made you a bit smarter! Please invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter!
And by the way, if you haven’t bought my book yet, make sure to order it now!
The book is called Künstliche Intelligenz kompakt: Grundlagen, Chancen und Perspektiven. - and I think it’s a pretty good read, especially if you know some German...