Five Things AI: Apple, Digital Double, International Cooperation, Google, Data Centers
AI is not slowing down. Not even during the week before Christmas.
School’s out, Christmas is around the corner. Yet, we still had to get the tree ourselves and no fancy AI app helped us pick out the right one. Like every year, I had to argue with my wife. I’d be more than happy to delegate this to a clever machine, which will ask my wife questions about the ideal tree and then will locate the right one at the right price point at a convenient location for us to pick up. Yet, we picked out a train while standing in the rain in the darkness. Where was AI when I needed it?
If you haven’t bought my book yet, what’s your excuse? Make sure to order it now!
The book is called Künstliche Intelligenz kompakt: Grundlagen, Chancen und Perspektiven. - and I think it’s a pretty good read.
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Apple’s latest AI research could completely transform your iPhone
“If applied judiciously, Apple’s latest innovations could take artificial intelligence to the next level. Photorealistic digital avatars and powerful AI assistants on portable devices once seemed far off — but thanks to Apple’s scientists, the future is rapidly becoming reality.” - that’s still a big if, but the research sounds fascinating.
Behind the Making of My AI Digital Double
How scary - how cool. This sums it up, I guess. Those AI Digital Doubles will totally transform Hollywood. For some actors, this will mean additional income without much work, for others this will mean less work and less income.
The Premature Quest for International AI Cooperation
I’m not so sure about the argument laid out in this article. This is not an either or situation, as regulation needs to come in place on various levels at the same time. Still, the author does have a point, that successful regulatory bodies from the past are probably not the best blueprint for regulating AI.
Google’s shifting approach to AI content: An in-depth look
This article gives a nice roundup of the techniques Google uses to classify content as spam and therefore decides not to rank a page. Generative AI obviously poses a real challenge to the quality of the search results.
Inside AI's giant land grab
We will see so many more data centers in the near future thanks to computing hungry AI applications. It won’t be long until data centers will be just a commodity like electricity or water.
That’s it for this week in Five Things AI - I hope you enjoyed it and it maybe even made you a bit smarter! Please invite your friends to subscribe to this newsletter!